Central Banking | Page 4

Invited talk

L’expertise des banques centrales dans l’ère post-2007

This content is not available in the selected language. Résumé de la présentation Beaucoup repose sur l’expertise des banques centrales aujourd’hui. Il va de soi que nous comptons sur la connaissance de ces organisations pour l’atteinte des objectifs inscrits à leur mandat, principalement la stabilité monétaire et financière. Ces organisations ont aussi un rôle plus […] Read more


Quelles attitudes propositionnelles pour un agent épistémique collectif ? Une évaluation de trois options à partir de deux cas concrets

This content is not available in the selected language. Description Cette conférence annuelle célèbre la mémoire du grand logicien et philosophe québécois Hugues Leblanc (1924-1999). Se déroulant sur trois jours, cet événement se structure autour d’une série de présentations délivrées par une conférencière ou un conférencier de renommée internationale, et d’interventions de professeures et professeurs […] Read more

Internal seminars of the Chair

Vertus épistémiques collectives: est-ce que les banques centrales passent le test?

Internal seminars of the Chair aim to present in more details the different research projects of the Chair to other team members. These seminars also help to get useful feedback from the team. If you are not a member of the Chair's team and would like to attend, please communicate with Jérémie Dion.   This week, we […] Read more


Banques centrales et inégalités: courts textes basés sur un article récent

Two short texts based on Fontan, Claveau and Dietsch (2016), Central Banking and Inequalities: Taking Off the Blinders, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, are now online! In English: Dietsch, Fontan and Claveau, Central Banking and Inequalities -- Taking Off the Blinders, CEP blog, 16 June 2016. In French: Fontan, Banques centrales et inégalités économiques, La Vie […] Read more

Post-2007 Central Banking: Expertise and Policies

In the aftermath of the 2007 financial crisis, central banks have entered a period of “extraordinary measures” (the exact wording of bank representatives). This period, originally meant to be of short duration, is still ongoing. This research project  studies central banks as independent expert organizations at the heart of discourse production to make sense of […] Read more


Central Banking and Inequalities: Taking Off the Blinders

What is the relation between monetary policy and inequalities in income and wealth? This question has received insufficient attention, especially in light of the unconventional policies introduced since the 2008 financial crisis. The paper analyses three ways in which the concern central banks show for inequalities in their official statements remains incomplete and underdeveloped. First, […] Read more