Central Banking | Page 3

Groupe de lecture

L’épistémologie des banques centrales: Le cas de la Fed et de la crise économique de 2008.

This content is not available in the selected language. Le texte: Fligstein, Neil, Jonah Stuart Brundage, and Michael Schultz. 2017. “Seeing Like the Fed: Culture, Cognition, and Framing in the Failure to Anticipate the Financial Crisis of 2008.” American Sociological Review 82 (5):879–909. Pour plus d’information sur le groupe de lecture, voir la page sur le […] Read more

Internal seminars of the Chair

Séminaire interne: Quantification et qualification de l’histoire institutionnelle des banques centrales.

This content is not available in the selected language. Jérémie et François vont illustrer, à partir d’une histoire institutionnelle des banques centrales, l’importance d’associer les méthodes quantitatives et quantitatives. En sciences sociales particulièrement, un mantra de « quantifier le qualitatif » est répété par de nombreux chercheurs, mais il semble que la relation inverse est tout aussi […] Read more

Invited talk

Central Banks as Experts: What Can Social Epistemology Say?

This content is not available in the selected language. Central banks are both regulatory and testimonial experts on the monetary economy. This paper deploys a procedural framework to assess whether laypeople should deem them worthy of their trust as testimonial experts. By focusing on three conditions for an effective error-correction mechanism, some worrisome characteristics of […] Read more


An Analysis of Central Banks' Research: Assistant Needed

The Canada Research Chair in Applied Epistemology seeks a research assistant for its project Post-2007 Central Banking: Expertise and Policies. The main task of the assistant will involve computer-assisted analysis of corpora (text mining). The goal of this part of the project is to characterize the extent and possible blinders of central bank research. The […] Read more