Research Funding
- University of Sherbrooke, Prix Tremplin en recherche et en création (May 2020), CAD 4000.
- Erasmus University Rotterdam, Young Erasmus PhD-prize for best interdisciplinary dissertation (January 2014), € 2,500.
Research Grants
Note: for an up-to-date version, please see the French version of the website.
- Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (Québec) NovaScience, volet 2B (2020-2021), CAD 49 790. Role: lead researcher.
- Faculté des Lettres et des sciences humaines (UdeS), Faculty support to pedagogical initiatives (2020-2021), CAD 4500. Role: Chercheur principal
- Project: Dynamiques sociales des sciences et technologies
- Team: Isabelle Lacroix, Gabriel Blouin-Genest, Hugo Loiseau, Allison Marchildon et André Lacroix
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Grant (2019-2024), CAD 168,860. Role : lead researcher.
- Project: Think tank ecosystem: an epistemological inquiry
- Co-applicants: Amandine Catala and Peter Dietsch
- Collaborators: Yves Gingras, Marie-Jean Meurs, Sylvain Rocheleau, Éric Montpetit
- Project: Think tank ecosystem: an epistemological inquiry
- Economic & Social Research Council (UK), Rebuilding Macroeconomics (2019-2020), £50,000. Role: co-applicant (lead researcher: Béatrice Cherrier)
- Project : Excavating the academia/policy pipeline: economic analysis at the Bank of England pre and post crisis.
- Team: Béatrice Cherrier, Clément Fontan and François Claveau.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Individual partnership engagement grants (2019-2020), CAD 24 986. Role: lead researcher.
- Project: Digital Humanitarianism at Doctors Without Borders the Latest Web System of Crisis Mapping
- Co-researcher: Florence Millerand
- Collaborator: Sébastien Gambs
- Partner: Médecins Sans Frontières
- Mitacs, Accélération (2019), CAD 15 000. Role : supervisor of the student-researcher (Guillaume Dandurand).
- Project: Digital vs classical humanitarianism. A Case Study of MSF REACH.
- Canada Research Chair (2018-2020), CAD 40,000. Role: Holder of the research chair.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Partnership Development Grant (2018-2021), CAD 198,860, Role: co-applicant (applicant: Sandra Lapointe).
- Project: Collaborative of humanities and social sciences educators - phase 2
- Mitacs, Accélération (2018), CAD 22 000. Role : supervisor of the student-researcher (Jean-François Dubé).
- Project: Digital vs classical humanitarianism. A Case Study of the Nepal Earthquake.
- Centre interuniversitaire de recherche pour la science et la technologie (CIRST), salary supplement for postdoctoral fellow (2018-2019), CAD 15 000 (Guillaume Dandurand).
- Projet: Digital vs classical humanitarianism. A Case Study of MSF REACH.
- Université de Sherbrooke, Fonds général de la recherche (March 2018), CAD 2820. Role: organizer (with Jordan Girard).
- Doctors without borders, Transformational Investment Capacity (2017-2019), € 25 000. Role: supervisor of student-researcher (Jean-François Dubé).
- Project: Digital vs classical humanitarianism. Mobilizing MSF, digital humanitarians and evidence-based study to guide a crucial analysis on the effectiveness of data collection and treatment in emergency
- Fonds de recherche Québec : Société et Culture (FRQSC), Regroupements stratégiques (2017-2023) for the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST), CAD 1,550,400. Role: regular member.
- Fonds d'innovation pédagogique, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Sherbrooke (2017-2018), CAD 6000. Role: lead researcher.
- Project: Hygiène épistémique : applications web pour le développement de la pensée critique
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant (2016-2018), CAD 70,577. Role: lead researcher.
- Project: Bibliometric History of the Cognitive Structure of the Social Sciences (coresearcher: Yves Gingras)
Fonds de recherche Québec: Société et Culture (FRQSC), Start-up Program for new Research Professor (2016-2019), CAD 49,969. Role: lead researcher.
- Project: Justification by Evidence Amalgamation in the Social Sciences: Reliability Conditions
- Canada Research Chair in Applied Epistemology (2015-2021, renewable), CAD 500,000.
- Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université de Sherbrooke, Start-up Grant (2015-2016), CAD 15 000. Role: lead researcher.
- History of Economics Society, New Initiatives Program, CAD 5,000 (2014-2015).
- Project: Mapping Economics since the 1950s: An open-access web platform for the visual exploration of economic publications. With Till Düppe and Yves Gingras.
- Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ, U. de Montréal), Postdoctoral Fellowship (January - December 2015), CAD 36,000, Accepted only until July 2015.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Postdoctoral Fellowship (January 2013 - December 2014), CAD 76,000.
- Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE), Doctoral Scholarship (September 2010 -August 2013), CAD 80,000, Graduated in December 2012.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Doctoral Fellowship (September 2009 - August 2013), CAD 80,000, Graduated in December 2012.
- Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Master's scholarship (September 2008 - August 2009), CAD 14,500.
- Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education (Nuffic), HSP Huygens (September 2008 - August 2010), CAD 44,750.
- Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC), Research Master's Scholarship (September 2007 - August 2009), CAD 30,000, Accepted only for fall 2008.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Master's Scholarship, (September 2007 - August 2008), CAD 17,500.
This content has been updated on November 10th, 2022 at 21 h 52 min.