Internal seminars of the Chair Causal Generalizations


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Past events

Internal seminars of the Chair

Two talks: (1) On generics ann (2) On the Variety of Evidence Thesis

Olivier and Jordan, with François as co-speaker, will test the talks that they will give at two events next week: one in Northern Ireland (Jordan and François) and one in Germany (Olivier and François). Our goal is also to let the other members of the team know some of our latest research developments. Papers will […] Read more

Internal seminars of the Chair

Certaines généralisations en sciences sociales sont des génériques. Et alors?

Internal seminars of the Chair aim to present in more details the different research projects of the Chair to other team members. These seminars also help to get useful feedback from the team. If you are not a member of the Chair's team and would like to attend, please communicate with Jérémie Dion. This week, Jordan talks […] Read more