Anthony Voisard

Doctoral Student in Practical Philosophy at Université de Sherbrooke

Anthony Voisard received a BA in philosophy (teaching option: 2010-2013) from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a MA in Philosophy (Applied Ethics specialization: 2013-2015) from the Université de Sherbrooke. He is currently a PhD candidate in Practical Philosophy at the Université de Sherbrooke where he specializes in climate change ethics under the supervision of Prof. Alain Létourneau and Prof. Jacques Brodeur. He teaches an introductory course in philosophy (in English) at Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier offered during the summer semester on the campus of Université Laval. He is also Lecturer at Université de Sherbrooke. The teaching functions allow him to convey his passion for philosophy and to contribute to the development of critical thinking skills of young citizens and future professionals.

In general, his philosophical competencies cover philosophy of environment, continental philosophy, ethics, applied ethics, philosophical anthropology, American pragmatism, argumentation, critical thinking methodology and philosophy of science. In addition, his interdisciplinary research interests lead Anthony Voisard to explore different contemporary issues (see for example: « Philosophie pratique de milieux : à l’écoute des perspectives sur les changements climatiques », Milieu(x), 2018; (with F. Claveau), « Experts et valeurs: usages (il)légitimes? », In Experts, sciences et sociétés, PUM, 2018). The excellence of Anthony Voisard's doctoral work has been recognized by various research organizations that have awarded him scholarships and distinctions: Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture, Université de Sherbrooke, Centre Sève (NSERC), Mitacs in partnership with Ouranos, Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy.

This content has been updated on May 11th, 2020 at 10 h 44 min.