Philosophy before University: Innovative Teaching Practices Across Canada

Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association


Across Canada, the place of philosophy in education outside universities varies greatly. In Quebec, philosophy is a compulsory subject at CEGEP since 1967. In Ontario, philosophy is offered as elective to a great number of students at grades 11 and 12 since the early 2000s. In all provinces and territories, local initiatives are developed for children and teenagers. For instance, a number of projects have adopted and adapted Lipman-style Philosophy for Children.

This symposium brings together researchers and educators who contribute to the vigor of philosophy in non-university education. The objective of the symposium is to showcase and discuss innovative practices, and to tighten the network of philosophical innovators.



14h00 - 14h05

Introduction (co-organizers)

-A- Philosophie pour les enfants et les enfants / Philosophy for kids and teens

14h05 - 14h35

Boyd White (McGill), Natalie Fletcher (Condordia University) et Amélie Lemieux (McGill) Aesthetigrams and Philosograms: A philosophical lens on visual mapmaking strategies to record aesthetic encounters with young people

14h35 - 15h05

Marc-Antoine Dilhac (UMontréal) La philosophie dans l'éducation à la sexualité à l'école primaire: une collaboration avec la Commission scolaire de Montréal

15h05 - 15h35

Manon Claveau (Maison Théâtre) et Natalie Fletcher (Concordia University) Théâtre jeune public et philosophie pour enfants: Développement de la réflexion autonome, de l’esprit critique et de la pensée créatrice

15h35 - 15h50

Pause / Break (for enthusiastic informal discussions)

-B- Philosophie pour les adolescents et les jeunes adultes / Philosophy for teens and young adults

15h50 - 16h20

Pierre Desprès et Emmanuelle Gruber (Collège Montmorency) FORUM JEUNESSE « penser la démocratie autrement »

16h20 - 16h50

Estelle Lamoureux (Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties) et Linda Connor (Manitoba Education and Training) High School Ethics Bowl: Ethical thinking is the new sport (brochure)

16h50 - 17h20

Christian Frenette (Cégep de Lanaudière) Dlibr: Une communauté d'idées en ligne pour enseigner la philosophie

17h20 - 17h30

Discussion plénière sur le présent et le futur de la philosophie dans un contexte éducatif pré-universitaire / Discussion on the present and future of philosophy in pre-university education

This content has been updated on May 30th, 2018 at 22 h 40 min.